Power of Wind: How to Finance Wind Energy for Your Home

Wind energy…

home wind energy

Q. “When is Earth Month?”

A. “EVERY month — or else it’s all over!” [1]

Going Green?

How much power does a wind turbine make?

Power of Wind: How to Finance Wind Energy for Your Home

Maybe turning your property into a traditional farm isn’t workable — although growing a few veggies is certainly a good step.

But the most effective strategy is to produce your own energy: wind, solar or water powered generation.  It’s a truly Green solution, while saving a lot of money and making you independant of the Grid.

“Wind power is developing rapidly at both the European and global level. Between 1992 and 2008, the global installed capacity of wind power increased from 2.5 GW to more than 120 GW, an average annual growth rate of more than 25%. Due to ongoing improvements in turbine efficiency, wind power is increasing in economic competitiveness against conventional power production.”   Source: The European Wind Energy Association.

A very substantial share of the heat and electricity produced all around the world is generated by a coal, gas or nuclear powered plants.

By using Wind Energy Systems the following will be avoided, comparing to more conventional methods:

1. The emissions that in turn contribute to poor air quality and global warming
2. The Depletion of fossil fuel reserves
3. Price volatility created by global energy commodity market fluctuations
4. The health and safety issues related to mining, processing, consumption and disposal of fuels and wastes

Wind Electric Power offers attractive alternatives to conventional electricity generation. Among today’s renewable energy choices, Wind Electric Power is one of the market’s most attractive options.

Wind Electric Power Solar is:

1.  Clean – No carbon footprint or harmful emissions.

2.  Cost Effective – Current tax incentives make wind electricity cost-competitive with conventional electricity.

3.  Dependable – wind turbines may last 20 to 30 years, or longer

Uneven heating of the atmosphere is the main cause of wind, also the spin of the earth and irregularities of the earth’s surface, add a small amount of winds. Humans have many uses for a wind flow, such as: pumping water, sailing boats, but also generating electricity.

Solar and Wind EnergyGenerating electricity from the wind energy (or wind power) refers to the process by which wind turbines convert the movement or kinetic energy of the wind into electricity.

Wind energy has really become integrated into our culture, worldwide in fact, over the last couple of decades.

We developed wind mills that harnessed energy, started popping them up a little bit everywhere, then the technology developed even more methods of storing energy.

Then there are offshore wind farms that developed, and today you can buy your own wind mill and power your house yourself!

Wind power energy today is the part of the social consciousness trend.

And our culture’s growing green energy trend.  So the demand for a renewable energy financing has been increasing dramatically.

The first and the most important thing for any Wind Energy Project is the wind survey done by a reputable third party firm that would provide a proof of constant and high amounts of wind for the future project.

Although the wind’s energy is free, special equipment is needed to convert it to electricity. The up-front costs of this equipment can be a daunting barrier to any startup or even income producing Wind Project. That is why the majority of the Wind Projects look for financing.

For small home-based wind projects the financing is most readily provided by adapting your own Green Strategy: as with any other lifestyle change, you must reevaluate your priorities.

What is most important to you and your family?  Worth spending money on? [2]

What is no longer needed in your lives?  Is it time to STOP letting them call you a “consumer” — but become a full living human being again?  A loving, spiritual, creative, dreaming, independent Human.

Time to cut up credit cards and stop building up debt just to buy consumer Stuff that will be garbage in two years.  The money is there — and the savings will more than pay it back.

“Live Free, Mon Ami!” – Brian Alan Burhoe



Power of Wind: How to Finance Wind Energy for Your Home

[1] EARTH MONTH is held every APRIL Worldwide!  But, as I said above, we should observe it “EVERY month — or else it’s all over!”

[2] Guest Blog content by Yury Iofe, MBA, Managing Partner of UB Solution.

“UB Solution is equipped with specialized knowledge of the marketplace. By examining every aspect of our client’s business UB Solution is able to engineer affordable financing quickly and efficiently.” Update: Saturday, June 17, 2023. UB Solution’s website can’t be reached at this date. But their expert advice remains spot-on.

Updated Saturday, June 17, 2023.

How much power does a wind turbine make? Financing, earth month 2023, earth month 2024, free, green, green day, power of wind.  Solar energy, solar power, wind energy, wind power energy, wind power generator, wind turbine, you, when is Earth Month?


About Brian Alan Burhoe

A Graduate of the Holland College Culinary Course, Brian Alan Burhoe has cooked in Atlantic Coast restaurants and Health Care kitchens for well over 30 years. He's a member of the Canadian Culinary Federation. Brian's many published articles reflect his interests in food service, Northern culture, Church history & Spiritual literature, imaginative fiction, wilderness preservation, animal rescue, service dogs for our Veterans and more. His fiction has been translated into German & Russian... See his popular CIVILIZED BEARS!
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